I met a non muslim writing in his blog said that Islam means surrender or submit, he insisted that the root of Islam came from word “surrender”, but not “peace”. I know actually he'd like to deny some muslims statements who declare Islam comes to bring peace and security because the root of word ‘Islam’ derives from word ‘peace’. So, then he claimed that Islam didn’t come from word "peace", hence Islam doesn’t bring peace, it’s what he said. Nevertheless, I think he just doesn’t understand what SURRENDER itself means. So, I'd like to tell here what that means. In addition, he also said that hijab or jilbab signifies the lack of freedom for muslim women.
Firstly, Yes you’re right Islam comes from word ‘surrender’, it derives from word ‘aslama’, therefore it is defined as SURRENDER, but please try to understand what its meaning before you take a bad impression over Islam! However, one thing that should be remembered is Islam also means peace, because its root of word ‘Islam’ comes from word ‘salam’ which means ‘peace’. Therefore, if you said Islam doesn’t come from word “peace”, you’ve made A BIG BIG MISTAKE, as the basic reason of Islam coming is to provide humans a prosperous and peaceful life. In brief, Islam actually exists to bring peace, security, goodness for all humans and creatures in earth, and safety from ‘worldly and hell/hereafter/akhirat’ punishments and anger from God.
However, let’s go back to word ‘surrender’, why does Islam have ‘surrender’ as its meaning? Well, you should know that SURRENDER here means that if somebody regards themselves as muslim, they must SURRENDER to the REAL TRUTH. The real truth that there is only ONE GOD in the world and in the life after death. And Allah swt. is the only god who is also the Lord or the king for all humans, creatures, and all nature system. Allah swt. is a Creator, a Sustainer, and has power over all. No one can compare the GREATNESS of ALLAH, moreover if it is just a human. Human is just a sign of weakness and shortages. They are so small, vulnerable, and weak under the GREATNESS OF ALLAH. That’s why Islam never considers its prophet as god, even though the position of prophet is very special for god, but prophet is still just a human who doesn’t deserve to be adored excessively, worshiped, loved as a god by other humans. If you do that, it means syirik (allying Allah swt. with creatures because you doesn’t place Allah as a special one for being the only one you adored and worshiped ), so then you are called as musyrikin.
So, when you are a Moslem, Allah swt. must be the only one in your heart who occupies and fulfills the full space of your heart. Allah swt. is a special sweetheart for you, as the only one for you. As a Moslem, if you love any thing or any one else, the reason must be because your decision and your choice is underlain by a basic consideration that Allah swt. will love what you do, what you choose, and what you aim.
Thus, when somebody wants to be a good Moslem, the first step they should undertake is searching as much as Islamic knowledge they can learn. Then, automatically they will know well what they should do. Absolutely, they will understand which actions can cause love&hate from Allah swt. So, surely they can differ what is good and what is bad to do, what can bring Allah’s love&blesses, and what can cause Allah’s anger&hate. They will be just like ‘bees’ who always alight on good braches, eats/drinks good substances, produce a nice and useful liquid ‘honeys’ for themselves and other creatures, and never damages any thing they alight on. They are just like ‘bees’ who always do goodness, and keep away from harmful actions for themselves and others causing Anger of Allah swt. To sum up, as Moslems they will always be based everything ONLY on Allah’s rules from Qur’an and sunnah.
In addition, word ‘surrender’ also means believe to the real truth from Allah swt. So, it is similar as believe in the truths existed in Al Qur’an. Qur’an is kalamullah (statements of God) that you should trust, read, understand, follow, and practice in your real life. Qur’an comes to justify all preceding holy books before Qur’an (zabur, taurot, injil/bible) , and Qur’an explains everything, such as law of god, basic science, human history, worships, manners, faith, social rules, etc. Qur’an also functions as guideline, standard, and direction for all muslims. Therefore, you will know what appropriate to do and can differ between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the legal and the illegal, the tender and the rude, etc. In addition, Qur’an also is counted as a great bless from god to all humans in the world. So as muslims, it is a must to SURRENDER to the truth in Qur’an. So, I say YES to Qur’an and I LOVE IT so much!
Then, the man (I've narrated before) also talked about hijab in his blog. He stated that hijab/jilbab is a sign for the lack of freedom, but based on my consideration, he apparenty made A BIG MISTAKE by saying so. Because it has been many good muslim wowen who wear hijab, and they claimed that by just using hijab they don’t feel any restrictions for their freedom.
Moslem women love to wear hijab. For at least they know they are FREE from the wild eyes of wild animal-like men, FREE from rape, FREE from having moral deficiency actions like free sex and prostitution, that’s why they are FREE from AIDS, STD, and cervix cancer. By using hijab, muslim women can also have FREE physical movements under protection. Moreover, hijab protects them from the hazards of ultraviolet radiations, skin cancer, melanoma, and any other skin sores. So, it SHOWS CLEARLY that they are FREE from the hazards of ultraviolet radiations, skin cancer, melanoma, and any other skin sores.
So, by using hijab, muslim women don’t see any limitation for their freedom, what they get is many advantages, rather than disadvantages or hazards. So, Hijab is not a sign of Lack of Freedom, but Hijab/Jilbab is a Sign Of Abundance of Freedom.
That's why many good muslim women say YES for hijab and say NO for immoral and inappropriate actions!